Bioethanol Fireplaces
Bioethanol fireplaces have heating as their primary function.
Our bioethanol guarantees you great caloric power. The bio-fireplaces are a product that combines design with the comfort created by the true flame, with added value that they do not originate smoke or gases harmful to health, and as a result they do not produce garbage or ash, which makes them easily usable.
Most of the heat generated by the combustion of bioethanol, is concentrated in the place, therefore there is a heating efficiency, which does not happen with traditional fireplaces, since 2/3 of the energy produced is lost by the ducts.
In conclusion, you do not need a chimney, electricity, or any other type of installation! Enjoy the pleasure of the flame, easy to use, it works both in a spacious house and in a private apartment.
Bio-fireplaces are also an excellent solution for interior design, because having a wide range of products, allows you to implement very original ideas.